The Momma Tribe

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Five years ago I was one third of the way through my first pregnancy. I was hungry for knowledge on all things childbirth, labor, and postpartum. Being super Type-A, I craved control and disliked surprises. (Motherhood changed these characteristics quickly!) So I took classes, talked to girlfriends, and read books. As the months of my due date approached I felt prepared but when the day came and Emmett arrived I was horrified at all of the small details that my friends had glossed over, kept from me or that I hadn’t educated myself on beforehand. This is where the beginning of The Momma Tribe started.

Fast forward to last year where I was four months into being a mom to three littles and my third, Porter, was HARD. Like colic, fussy, unhappy, needy, and demanding. I found myself feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and lonely as a stay at home mom. Porter’s needs made it challenging to get out of the house; something I had never struggled with before. I also felt ashamed because I felt that being a “veteran” mom I should have this mom thing all figured out. Ha- Yea right! On top of all of that, my marriage was suffering because neither of us was sleeping and we were in survival mode. I realized that if I felt lost, lonely and living in survival mode, then there had to be other mommas out there that were feeling the same way. Which got me thinking–

How could I help change this? How could I use my knowledge as a mom, my background in special education, and my gifts to help other mommas just like me?

Enter The Momma Tribe...

A business I’ve started with a mission to connect, support, and empower mommas. Every momma deserves to be a part of a tribe of women that cheers, uplifts, and empowers them through every stage of this beautiful and grueling journey through motherhood.

As I come up on my first year running this business, it has evolved and expanded in ways I didn’t see coming but that is the beauty of it.

The Momma Tribe is a place for growth, expansion, and enlightenment.

We Offer:

  • Parenting freebies and resources such as tips to support temper tantrums, friendly phrases and summer activities list!
  • Courses like the Aligned Parenting course that are six short courses designed to do with a parenting partner or spouse to help align your parenting styles and a new course launching this month called The Soulful Momma Self Study where you spend four weeks working on aligning your internal (mind and body) and external (present reality) world to live a more enlightened, joyful life.
  • Virtual mom groups call The Momma Tribe where we meet for an extended amount of time and cover topics centered around parenting, relationships and self care. This spring a new group called The Momma Tribe Mastermind will be launching for a more in-depth experience where women will meet bi-monthly for three months. The content, community and resources will allow for moms to make time to nurture and transform their life with the support of women just like them.
  • Women’s Retreats that allow for relaxation, connection and growth. Hosted within an hour of the twin cities, it offers a great opportunity to get away without the long travel time.
  • 1-1 coaching support program (COMING SOON) for moms looking to find themselves after motherhood. So wherever you are on your motherhood journey, you can find what you need to live a soulfully nourished life.

Today as I type this, I am holding my fourth (and final) babe in my left arm and am typing one handed. It’s been an amazing and grueling journey bringing four littles into the world in five years. As a result, I’ve been able to combine my life experiences as a mom with my educational background to create a business that can help transform women’s lives for the better.

Meggie Martin

Follow Meggie & The Momma Tribe Online

The Soulful Momma Course just Launched!

How 2 Mom is a proud partner of The Momma Tribe. We believe in what Meggie is doing, we see the value, and we know the need exists.

Registration for The Soulful Momma Course is now OPEN! Follow the link below to register NOW!

Be sure to mention How 2 Mom to receive $10 off this course!

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